学习知识|英语连词有哪些,英语连词24个( 六 )

1. although / though
Everybody worked with great enthusiasm although/though the weather was extremely cold. 虽然天气很冷 , 大家工作得非常起劲 。
2. even if (though)
Even if I have to walk all the way I'll get there. 即使我得一路走着去 , 我也要去那里 。

1. than
We have produced 20% more cotton this year than we did last year. 我们今年棉花产量比去年高百分之二十 。
2. as (so)...as
He doesn't play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半 。
1. lest
She explained again and again lest people should misunderstand her. 她一再解释唯恐人们误解 。
2. so that
Speak clearly so that we may understand you. 讲话要清楚 , 以便我们能听明白 。
3. in order that
He assigned us some books to read at home in order that (so that) we might have a deeper understanding of the subject. 他指定几本书给我们回家看 , 以便我们对这一主题有一个较深的了解 。

1. so...that
She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. 她感动得热泪盈眶 。
2. such...that
It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep. 演讲枯燥乏味 , 听得我都睡着了 。
引导名词性从句的连词有三个:(1)that (本身无意义) , (2)whether (or not) , (3)if 。 例如:
That they will refuse the offer is unlikely. 他们不太可能会拒绝这个建议 。
I don't know whether (=if) these figures are accurate. 我不知道这些数字是否精确 。
需要注意的是:whether (or not) 可引导大部分名词性从句;if仅可引导宾语从句 , 而且不可跟or not 。 例如:
Whether (≠if) they will come or not won't make much difference. 他们来不来关系不大 。
I wonder if (=whether) she has received our telegram. 我不知道她是否收到了我们的电报 。
英语中常用的连词有哪些 英语连词有:1,并列连词;2,相关连词;3,准连词;4,引导名词从句的连词;5,引导定语从句的连词;6,引导状语从句的连词 。 建议你报课在线外教英语课堂学习英语 , 跟着外教学英语连词效果是很不错的 。


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英语连词都有什么? 英语连词有:1,并列连词;2,相关连词;3,准连词;4,引导名词从句的连词;5,引导定语从句的连词;6,引导状语从句的连词 。 建议你报课在线外教英语课堂学习英语 , 跟着外教学英语连词效果是很不错的 。


试听完后还可以免费获得一次英语能力水平测试和一份详细的报告 , 以及公开课免费看 。

阿卡索是真人固定欧美外教一对一授课的 , 外教100%持有TESOL等国际英语教师资格证书 。 拥有较高的性价比 , 每节课不超过20元 。


想要找到合适英语培训机构 , 百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可 。
